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How To Tie A Tie

Gordon Kokoma
Written 08/15/2022
How To Tie A Tie


Method 1: Applying the Tupac Approach (Four-in-Hand Knot)

1. Wrap your neck with the tie. Put the tie around your shoulders after raising your collar and closing the buttons on your shirt.

2. Rotate the wide end and reposition the narrow end.

3. Take the wide end back across the front of the narrow end to finish folding it around it.

Method 2. The Conventional Half Windsor Knot (Extra Formal)

This is the younger sibling of the Windsor Tie. The Half Windsor is smaller than the Windsor, but both result in a symmetrical triangle tie knot. Wider ties and lighter fabrics go well with this tie knot. It looks best when worn with a typical collar.

2. Turn the broad end around and place it at the back of the narrow end.

3. Insert the broad end into the gap between your collar and tie, then draw it down.

4. The narrow end should cross over the wide end after the wide end has been wrapped around the front.

5. Repeat the looping motion with the wide end.

6. Through the front knot, drop the wide end.

7. Align it with both hands and tighten the necktie knot.

Method 3. Make a basic (oriental) necktie knot

1. Your left side should be the wide end of the tie, and the right side should be longer than the remainder.

2. The wide end passes beneath the little end on the right.

3. Return it to the left, passing it over the little end.

4. Embrace the neck loop with the broad end.

5. You just tied a knot in the front, so you need to thread the broad end through it.

6. Adjust the knot by tightening it and moving it up.

Method 4. Using a Shelby Tie Knot

Don Shelby, an anchorman, made famous the Shelby knot in the 1970s, which is a relatively uncommon knot. It functions better with wider ties formed of heavier material.

1. To begin, wrap your neck with the tie inside out, broad end to the right.

2. Tuck the broad end beneath the narrow end.

3. Raise the wide end and thread it through the gap between your tie and neck. Move the wide end to the left after fully pulling it through.

4. Cross the broad end over the right-facing knot.

5. Thread the broad end through the loop formed by your tie and neck.

6. Pull tight after slipping the broad end through the knot. As required, center.

Method 5. Using a Full Windsor Tie

3. You will need to click on the broad end on the right, then the back end, then the back end.

4. Re-enter the loop with the broad end. The necktie knot should be in the shape of a triangle at this point.

5. Fold the wide end of the triangle from the right to the left, wrapping it around the triangle.

6. Repeat steps 6 and 7 with the wide end.

7. Pull the broad end through the knot.

8. Center the knot with both hands and tighten it.

Method 6. The Pratt Knot Tying (Basic Formal Knot)

1. Wrap your collar in the tie by placing it upside down. Knot the tie such that the wide end is over your right side and the tiny end is over your left.

3. Tuck the broad end beneath the short end. Cross your body to the left and place the wide end beneath the narrow end.

4. Position the wide end above the neck loop.

5. Push the broad end of the rope through the neck loop.

6. Starting at the left edge, fold the broad end over the small end.

7. Lift the broad end up and insert it into the neck loop.

8. Insert the broad end through the newest loop at the front.

9. Adjust the knot by sliding it.

Final Words

It's always a good idea to read through tying your tie multiple times and to see if you can do it without having to look at the instructions. Most people can do this after watching someone else tie their tie once. The secret is to take it easy and not strain yourself. If you're new to learning how to tie a tie, don't be discouraged if it doesn't happen overnight. Practice makes perfect, so keep at it and one day you will be able to tie your necktie on your own.

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